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Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams (1744-1818), full name Abigail Smith Adams, was US first lady (1797-1801) and feminist, wife of second US president, John A. Adams. She was mother of sixth U.S. president John Quincy Adams. She was a prolific letter writer and early feminist. She is known for writing a letter to her husband during the Continental Congress in which she described her concerns about women’s rights under the new republic. Later, it became a reference point for feminist movement.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature and that power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping, and like the grave, cries, 'Give, give.'
- letter to John Adams, Nov 27, 1775
  • Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. (We ladies) will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.
- letter to John Adams, March 31, 1776
  • A little of what you call frippery is very necessary towards looking like the rest of the world.
- letter to John Adams, May 1, 1780

John Paul Jones

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