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There were two Greek heroes named Ajax, who figured in Greek mythology. Both of them were Greek heroes fought in the Trojan war. The word itself became proverbial and is now used as the synonym of a fiery and impetuous warrior.

The first Ajax was the son of Telamon of Sparta, king of Salamis, one of the bravest of the Greeks, who, on the death of Achilles, contended with Ulysses for his arms, but was defeated, in consequence of which he lost his reason and put an end to his life. He was proverbial for his size and strength.

The second Ajax was the son of Oïleus, king of Locris, swift of foot, like Achilles, who suffered shipwreck on his homeward voyage, as a judgment for an outrage he perpetrated on the person of Cassandra in the temple of Athena in Troy.

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