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Ajita Keshakambali

Ajita Keshakambali (6th-5th century BC), was an Indian philosopher. He was contemporary to Buddha and Mahavir. He was the first known proponent of Indian materialism, and forerunner to the Charvak school. He led a very simple and ascetic life. His teachings din not survive in script, except some scattered references made by his opponents for the sake of refutation. His followers were known Keshakambalina.

Wisdom & Quotes

"Man," He said, "is formed of the four elements. " When he dies Earth returns to the aggregate of earth; Water to water; Fire to fire, And Air to air; while his senses vanish in to space. For men with the bier take up the corpse; they gossip about the dead man as far as the burning ground, where his bones turn the color of a dove's wing and his sacrifices end in ashes. They are fools who preach almsgiving, and those who maintain the existence of immaterial categories speak vain and lying Nonsense. When the body dies both fool and wise alike are cut off and perish. They do not survive after death.
- Digha Nikaya


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