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Ali (c. 600 – 661) was the first Imam of the Shia branch of Islam and the fourth caliph (Ali ibn Abi Talib) Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. He differed from Uthman over interpretation of the Quran and led the split from ‘Uthman'. He was elected fourth caliph after death of ‘Uthman' but was opposed by Syrian governor Mu awiya.

He was cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, and was one of his first followers at the age of sixteen, "a noble-minded creature, full of affection and fiery daring. Something chivalrous in him; brave as a lion; yet with a grace, a truth and affection worthy of Christian knighthood."

He became Caliph in 656, died by assassination in the Mosque at Bagdad. The Sheiks yearly commemorate his death.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • A man's behaviour is the index of the man, and his discourse is the index of his understanding.
  • Scatter abroad what you have already amassed rather than pile up new wealth.
  • Believe me, a thousand friends suffice thee not; In a single enemy thou hast more than enough.
  • The sweetness of life lies in dispensing with formalities.
  • He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare. And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.
  • Do not be ashamed to give a little ; for to deceive is to give still less.
  • The fear of God makes one secure.
  • Whoever listens to slander is himself a slanderer.
  • Stumbling is the fruit of haste.
  • Hide the good you do, and make known the good done to you.
  • Be obedient to your superior, and your inferior will obey you.
  • Whoever knocks persistently, ends by entering.
  • The worst man is the one who sees himself as the best.
  • If you love God, tear out your heart's love of the world.
  • The man of least capacity is the one who shows himself of self-correction.
  • Not to commit faults counts for more than to do good.
  • Oh! how the hours hasten to change into days, the days into months, the months into years, and those into life's annihilation!
  • Those who know the world live alone.

Al-Mumazzaq Al-Abdi

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