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Alsace is a region in France. It is located in the north eastern part of the country bordering with Germany and Switzerland. It was a territory originally of the German empire, ceded to Louis XIV by the peace of Westphalia in 1648, but restored to Germany after the Franco-German war in 1870-71, by the peace of Frankfort. It was then placed under a governor general bearing the title of "Statthalter".

Prussia had annexed this region along with part of Lorraine to form Alsace-Larraine after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. However, Alsace was again restored to France after World War I.

It is a great wine-producing region, yields cereals and tobacco and has been important for its cotton manufacture.

Page last modified on Thursday June 18, 2015 12:47:09 GMT-0000