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ALSACE-LORRAINE was a territory originally of the German empire, ceded to Louis XIV by the peace of Westphalia in 1648, but restored to Germany after the Franco-German war in 1870-71, by the peace of Frankfort. It was then placed under a governor general bearing the title of "Statthalter".

Prussia had annexed this region along with part of Lorraine to form Alsace-Larraine after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. However, Alsace was again restored to France after World War I. Alsace region is now in the northeastern France, on the borders with Germany and Switzerland.

It is a great wine-producing region, yields cereals and tobacco, and has also been important for its cotton manufacture. During German rule it was the most important cotton manufacturing region.

Page last modified on Thursday June 18, 2015 12:49:27 GMT-0000