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Animism is a belief that there is a psychical body within the physical body of a living being, correspondent with it in attributes, and that when the connection between them is dissolved by death the former lives on in a ghostly form. In other words, a belief of a ghost-soul existing conjointly with and subsisting apart from the body, its physical

The word 'animism' is derived from the Latin word 'anima' meaning 'soul'. Thus the primary menaing of the word animism is the practice or belief that believes in existence of a soul in all animate or inanimate objects. This concept is extended further that makes the people believe that all the objects are presided over by the soul of a deity, or are the deity personified. Certain rivers, mountains, and animals etc are then believed to be one or the other deity and worshipped.

An animist believes that all the phenomena of the nature, pleasant or unpleasant, are caused by such deities.

Page last modified on Wednesday June 12, 2019 16:49:31 GMT-0000