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Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is a country in the Caribbean region located in the western West Indies in the Leeward Islands. St John's is its capital city which is located on the Antigua, one of the two main islands of the country. The country derives its name from its two main islands Antigua and Barbuda. Redonda, a relatively smaller island in situated to the southwest of Antigua. The country is spread over an area of 442 square kilometer. Its currency is EC dollar. English is the official language of the country. Creole is its vernacular language spoken by the locals.

Antigua and Barbuda was discovered by Columbus in 1493. The English settled here in 1632 when Antigua became a British colony with Barbuda as its dependency. The islands became independent in 1981 within the Commonwealth of Nations and then became a new country by the name Antigua and Barbuda.

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