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Anwar Sadat

Anwar Sadat (1918-1981), full name Muhammed Anwar Al-Sadat, was an Egyptian military and political leader. He advocated overthrow of British-dominated monarchy. He organized coup ousting King Farouk in 1952. He was assassinated by Muslim fundamentalists.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • My contemplation of life and human nature is that secluded place (cell 54 of Cairo Central Prison) taught me that he who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never, therefore, make any progress.
- In Search of Identity
  • It is democracy I am really suffering from as much as I am suffering from the opposition.
- speaking to foreigh journalists about unrest in Egypt (September 9, 1981)
  • Let every girl, let every woman, let every mother here (in Israel) - and there in my country (Egypt) - know we shall solve all our problems through negotiations around the table rather than starting war.
  • Peace is much more precious than a piece of land.
  • We have always felt the sympathy of the world, but we would prefer the respect of the world to sympathy without respect.
- speech to the People's Assembly, after the first attack of the Yom Kippur War (October 6, 1973)

Abba Kovner

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