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Apaches are a tribe of American Indians on the south and west of the United States. A member of this tribe is called Apache, while by association with the ferocity of the American Indian people, any violent street ruffian in Paris is called apache. This name was given to this community probably because they were considered to be 'enemy' from Zuni Apachu from Mexican Spanish.

The North American Indian people called Apaches are chiefly living in New Mexico and Arizona. They are known for putting up fierce resistance to the European settlers. Their last leader was Geronimo under whose leadership they put up stiff resistence, however, they were ultimately conquered.

Anything of or related to the Apaches, including their language is also known as Apache. Thus any of the Athabaskan languages of the Apaches is known as Apache. Several of such languages are virtually extinct. It is estimated that there are altogether only 14,000 speakers of these languages.

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