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Atikay, in the Ramayana, was a Rakshas, a son of Ravan. His mother’s name was Dhanyamalini. Atikay means having a gigantic body. He was true to his name.

Once, Brahma, the god of creation, was immensely pleased with his austerities. He gave him a boon to become invincible. Neither gods nor demon could defeat him. Brahma had also given him a divine armour and a chariot.

When Kumbharan died in Ram-Ravan war, Ravan sent his son Atikay, with an excellent archer into the battlefield. He arrived into the battlefield ridding his divine chariot. In this chariot, there were thousand horses. He led his army into the battlefield very boldly. He furiously attacked on the Vanar Sena(the armies of monkeys) and almost routed them.

He was arrogant nature and therefore he became challenging everyone in the opposition army. Lakshman took up his challenge and fought with him.

Finally Lakshman slew Atikay in the battlefield.

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