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Attis, in Anatolian, Phrygian and Greek mythology, was the consort of his mother Cybele. In his self-mutilation, death and resurrection he represents the fruits of the earth which die in winter only to rise again in the spring, that is why the death of the youthful Attis and his resurrection were associated with the spring festival. He is considered the god of vegetation while Cybele a mother goddess. According to Ovids’s Metamorphoses, Attis transformed himself into a pine tree.

As a God of Nature, Vegetation and fertility, he was worshiped in Phrygia, Asia Minor or modern Turkey, and later throughout the Roman Empire.

A Phrygian mythological tale says that as a beautiful Phrygian youth, he was beloved by Cybele. When he was about to be married, Cybele, by her apparition, appeared at his marriage to forbid the banns, which driven him mad. Attis castrated himself, and died.

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