Avtar means an incarnation of a deity. Avtar may be in human form or in animal or any other form to save the world from danger.There are ten avatars in Hindu religion - Matsya, Kurm, Varah, Nrisingh, Vaman, Parashuram, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki.
However, there are other stories in Indian mythology that tell us about twenty-four incarnations or avatars. These are - Brahma, Varah, Narad, Narnarayan, Kapil, Dattatrey, yagya, Haygriv, Hans, Kalki, Budha, Krishna, Balram, Ram, Vedvyas, Parshuram, Vaman, Nrisinh, Mohini, Dhanvantari, Kacchap, Matsya, Prithu and Rishabh.