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Ba Maw

Ba Maw (1893 - 1977) was a Burmese lawyer, revolutionary leader and politician. He defended leaders of peasant rebellion. He was the first prime minister of Burma (1937-1939) and the first head of state of independent Burma.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Every truth in this round world has its opposite somewhere.
  • Cowards and fools call us fools for talking of force when we have nothing in our hands, no guns, not even sharp knives or needles. Don't believe them; they will give you every reason for doing nothing, for just talking about freedom and doing nothing to gain it. It tell you that there will be plenty of weapons in this war. Weapons are not only those you make for yourselves; they are also those which come into your hand without your making them.
  • The difference (between the East and the West) is part of the law of opposites which keeps our world balanced and right, and something in it goes wrong anytime we meddle with that law by expecting those on the other side of the globe to walk or live or think generally in the way we do. When those on one side try to do this sort of thing, it is really they who are standing on their heads, and not anyone else.

Hermann Goering

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