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Baal (meaning Lord, plural Baalim and also Baals) is the principal male divinity of the ancient Canaanites and Phoenicians. The cult of this fertility god was widespread in ancient Cannanite and Phoenician lands. He is identified with the sun as the great quickening and life-sustaining power in nature, the god who presided over the labours of the husbandman and granted the increase. Strength was his crowning attribute. He was worshipped on hill-tops with sacrifices, incense, and dancing. Baal-worship, being that of the Canaanites, was for a time mixed up with the worship of Jehovah in Israel, and at one time threatened to swamp it, but under the zealous preaching of the prophets it was eventually stamped out. Baals and their god Baal found mention in the Holy Bible.

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