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Balm of Gilead

Balm of Gilead is the balm (resinous substance) obtained from Gilead. The word balm came from a translation in Coverdale's Bible (Genesis 37:25), and the word Gilead came from an assumption that the resin mentioned in the bible was obtained from Gilead.

However, today, resins or balms having medicinal qualities are obtained from several trees. One of them is an Arabian tree that has been given importance in perfumery and medicine. Its botanical name is Commiphora gileadensis, and it belongs to the family Burseraceae.

The balm obtained from the two poplars - Populus gileadensis an the balsam poplar of the family Salicaceae having sticky aromatic buds, is also called balm or Gilead.

Balm of Gilead is also the resin obtained from the balsam fir.

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