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Balram (also spelled Balaram) was the elder brother of Krishna, the incarnation of Vishnu. He was son of Rohini. He is also known by the names, Ram, Balbhadra, and Baldev.

According to Indian mythology, Devaki, the wife of Vasudev, was impregnated with two strands, and one of them was transferred in the belly of Rohini. Thus Devaki gave birth to Krishna and Rohini gave birth to Balaram.

Balram was considered to be an incarnation of Shesh. Balram was brought up by a famous cowheard Nand and his wife Yasodhara in Gokul. Balram killed many demons sent by by Kans to kill Krishna and Balram. Right from his childhood, Balram was known for his strength. He was an admirer of kauravs. Balram’s wife was Revati.

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