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Bampton Lectures

Bampton Lectures are annual lectures held at the University of Oxford, England, since 1780 on Christian subjects, eight in number, for the endowment of which John Bampton, canon of Salisbury, left property which yielded a revenue worth £200 a year by the turn of 20th Century, after which they have typically been biennial since 1895. The lectures have traditionally been published in book form.

Bampton Lectures are also organized in America at Columbia University which are modeled on the original Bampton Lectures at Oxford. It was established by a bequest of Ms Ada Byron Bampton Tremaine. It was originally an annual event, however only 12 lectures were delivered between 1969 and 2007, with two each for the entirety of the 1970s and the 1990s. Since 2007 the lectures have been held on a biennial basis.

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