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Baptism is a religious rite among Christians, the ceremony at which it takes place, or a person's initiations into a particular activity typically a difficult one.

The Christian rite of initiation into the membership of the Church, identified by St. Paul (Rom. vi. 4) with that No to the world which precedes or rather accompanies Yea to God, but a misunderstanding of the nature of which has led to endless diversity, debate, and alienation all over the Churches of Christendom.

The rite involves sprinkling holy water onto a person's forehead or their immersion in water. It is a form of ceremonial washing which symbolizes purification, regeneration, and admission into the Christian Church.

In may denominations of Christian Church, baptism is performed on young children, and is generally accompanied by name-giving, ie christening.

Page last modified on Sunday July 19, 2020 10:09:51 GMT-0000