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Base is the foundation of something, such as the base on which a structure stands. Obviously, the base is the lowest part or edge of a structure on which it rests or is supported. Thus, if we consider an architecture, it is the part of a column lying between the shaft and pedestal or pavement. The structures can be represented geometrically, and in that case, the line or surface on which a figure is regarded as standing is the base. While making a survey, it is a line of known length used in triangulation. In heraldry, base is the lowest part of a shield. A part or organ in botanical or zoological structure originates from their bases that are nothing but the trunk or the main part. The foundation for makeup in beauty industry is the base substance. However, the base substance in chemistry is that which reacts with an acid to form a salt and water, ie it accepts or neutralizes hydrogen ions. A base in biochemistry, is a purine or pyrimidine group in a nucleotide or nucleic acid. The main ingredient to which other things are added is known as base material. A base is anything on which something is conceptually based. A base is also the people or organization on whose support something depends. A place that serves as a centre of work, operation, usual residence etc is sometimes referred to as base. In electronics, the base is the middle part of a bipolar transistor that separates the emitter from the collector. In linguistics, the root of a word is called its base. In Grammar, it is the uninflected form of a verb. In mathematics, a number is called a base when it forms the basis of a numeration scale. In logarithm, it is a number in terms of which other numbers are expressed. In baseball, base is one of the four stations that must be reached in turn to score a run. The word is also used informally to refer to progressive levels of sexual intimacy, such as first base, second base etc.

In human behaviour, base refers to persons or their actions or feelings that are regarded as ignoble or without moral principles. Anything denoting or befitting a person of low social class is referred to as base, but such a use in now considered archaic. A coin or any other article is also referred to as base coins or base articles, if they are not made of precious metals.

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