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Bellbird is a tropical American bird known for its loud explosive calls. It belongs to the cotinga family (Cotingidae). Male bellbirds have wattles on their head. It belongs to the genus Procnias. Four species of this bird are found.

There are also a number of Australasian songbirds having this name because of their ringing bell-like calls. A bird of New Zealand belonging to honeyeater family (Meliphagidae) is one of them. Its zoological name is Anthornis melanura. There is also an Australian bird of the same family that is popularly known as the bell miner (Meliphagidae melanophrys). It is one of the five Australian species. It has greening plumage and a bell-like call. Australian whistler, zoological name Oreoica gutturalis, belonging to the family Pachycephalidae is also called bellbird.

Page last modified on Saturday September 26, 2020 18:35:17 GMT-0000