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Ben Sira

Ben Sira ( c. 2nd century BC), full name Simeon Ben Jeshua Ben Eleazer Ben Sira, was a Hebrew scholar and philosopher, a noted sage and aphorist, author of The Wisdom of Ben Sira (c.180 BC). It is also called Ecclesiasticus'' and forms a part of the Apocrypha which is attributed to him, which contains psalms as well as poems on daily life, conduct, and historical events. Some of the historical events also found place in this work.

Wisdom & Quotes

These are from The Wisdom of Ben Sira.
  • Accept whatever happens to you,
And be patient in humiliating vicissitudes.
For gold is tested with fire,
And men who are approved must be tested in the furnace of humiliation.
  • Unrighteous anger can never be excused,
For the weight of a man's anger drags him down.
A patient man will control himself for a while,
And afterward joy will break out.
  • It will go hard with an obstinate heart at the end,
And the man who loves danger will perish through it.
  • He who provides for his father atones for his sins,
And he who shows his mother honour is like a man who lays up treasure.
  • As water will quench a blazing fire,
So charity will atone for sin.
  • Fear not death, for it is your destiny.
  • If you make a friend, make one only after testing him,
And do not be in a hurry to confide in him.
There are friends, who are so when it suits their convenience,
Who will not stand by you when you are in trouble.
  • A faithful friend is a strong protections;
A man who has found one has found a treasure.
A faithful friend is beyond price,
And his value cannot be weighed.
  • A new friend is new win;
When it grows old , you will enjoy drinking it.
  • Do not stretch your hand out to receive,
But close it when you should repay.
  • He who returns favours is remembered afterwards,
And when he totters, he will find a support.
  • The greater you are , the more you must practice humility.
  • ...from your youth up cultivate education,
And you will keep on finding wisdom until you are grey.
Approach her like a man who ploughs and sows,
And wait for her abundant crops.
For in cultivating her, you will toil but little,
And soon you will eat her produce.
  • If you love to hear, you will receive,
And if you listen, you will be wise.
  • Do not treat a man with disrespect when he is old,
For some of us are growing old.
  • There is no cure for the misfortune of the proud,
For a wicked plant has taken root in him.
An intelligent man's mind can understand a proverb;
And a wise man desires a listening ear.
  • Show regard for no one at the expense of your soul,
And respect no one, to yours own downfall.
  • Be steadfast in your understanding,
And let what you say be one.
Be quick to hear,
And make your reply with patience.
If you possess understanding, answer your neighbour,
But if you do not have it, keep your hand over your mouth!
Both glory and disgrace come from speaking,
And a man's tongue is his downfall.
  • A poor man is honoured for his knowledge,
And a rich man is honoured for his wealth.
If a man is honoured in poverty, how much more will he be in wealth?
And if a man is dishonoured when he is rich, how much more will he be when he is poor?
  • All wisdom comes from the Lord,
And remains with him forever.
The sand of the seas, and the drops of rain,
And the days of eternity - who can count them?
The height of the heavens, and the breath of the earth,
And the deep, and wisdom - who can track them out?
Wisdom was created before them all,
And sound intelligence from eternity.
  • Wisdom makes her sons exalted,
And lays hold of those who seek her.
Whoever loves her, loves life,
And those who seek her early will be filled with joy.

Li Ping

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