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Birsa Munda was a great personality of Jharkhand, India. Birsa's devotion to his people was such that he was revered as God by his followers, and was called Bhagawan. He was one of the freedom fighters in the Indian struggle for independence against British colonism. He was just 25 years old when he died. He was born on 15 November 1875 probably at Ulihatu village in Ranchi district of Jharkhand. It may be mentioned here that the folk songs reflect popular confusion and refer to both Ulihatu and Chalkad as his birth-place. We believe Ulihatu as his birth place on two counts - firstly, Ulihatu is the birth place of his father Sugana Munda, and secondly, elder brother of Birsa Munda, Komta Munda lived at Ulihatu and claimed that Ulihatu was the birth place of his brother. Yet another fact is to be noted here that Komta Munda himself was born at Kurumbda near Birbanki where his father and mother were gone in search of livelihood. Chalkad is Sugana’s mother’s village where the family had shifted from Bamba, the place where they had gone from Kurumbda. Birsa’s family stayed at Chalked till the uprising (ulgulan). Birsa’s early years were spent with his parents at Chalkad. Birsa’s long stay at Chaibasa from 1886 to 1890 constituted a formative period of his life. Soon after leaving Chaibasa in 1890 Birsa and his family gave up their membership of the German mission in line with the Sardar’s movement against it. Birsa’s claim to be a messenger of God and the founder of a new religion sounded preposterous to the mission. His simple system of offering was directed against the church which levied a tax. Slowly, the messenger of God began to be identified with God himself. By the time he was in his 20s, his activities in the tribal areas of Jharkhand worried the British establishment to a considerable extent. To the twin challenges of agrarian breakdown and culture change Birsa along with the Munda responded through a series of revolts and uprising under his leadership. The movement sought to assert rights of the Mundas as the real proprietors of the soil, and the expulsion of middlemen and the Britishers. He was finally arrested by the British on 3 February 1900. He had became victim of a trick made on him by the English rulers. He died in mysterious conditions on 9 June 1900 in Ranchi Jail.

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