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Blade is a flat metal sheet, typically thing and sharp-edged. It may be the cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or a weapon such as a sword. The razor blade is also called a blade is short, and also the flat wide section of an implement, such as an oar. Usually the flat objects connected to a center shaft that converts the push of the wind into a circular motion in a machine such as in a wind turbine is also called a blade.

The term is also used in botany and biology. In botany, the broad thin part of a leaf or stalk is also called blade, and also the long narrow leaf of grass or plant. Blade is also the flat part of the tongue behind the tip. A cut of meat, or the shoulder bone in it also called blade.

In sports, such as an ice skate, it is the thin flat metal runner. A prosthetic lower limb designed for athletes called running blade is called blade in short, which has a long curved section of the base and flattened length of carbon fiber.

In archaeology, a blade is a long narrow flake.

An energetic and dashing young man is sometimes called a blade, but use of the term in this sense has now become out of fashion.

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Page last modified on Saturday September 2, 2023 15:05:41 GMT-0000