Bloom is a name given to a flower that is cultivated as ornamental for its beauty. Flowering and the period during which it happens is also called bloom. It is also the delicate powdery deposit on certain fresh fruits, leaves, or stems. A grayish-white appearance on chocolates due to rising of cocoa butter to the surface is also called a boom. Microscopic algae's or cyanobacteria's rapid growth in water is also a bloom which results into coloured scum on the surface of the water.The term is also used for a person's attaining youthfulness, the complexion in youthful and healthy glow, and the period of greatest beauty and vigour, such as a girl in bloom of youth.
In music recording, a bloom is the full bright sound.
Formerly, an unworked mass of puddled iron was called a bloom, but it is now a part of history. In modern days, a mass of iron, steel or other metal hammered or rolled into a thick bar is called a bloom.