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Bob is an up and down movement, typically sudden. It is also the short form of bobber, a small float used in fishing. Bob is also a curtsy in which such a movement is required.

Bob is a short form of bobsled, a team winter sports. 'Bob and weave' is an evasive tactics, a rapid body movement up and down and from side to side, such as we see a boxer doing. There is a game called 'bob for apples' in which one tries to catch a hanging apple with one's mouth alone.

A hair style is also known as bob, in which the hair is cut evenly all around and short so that it hangs above the shoulders. A horse's tail that is docked short is also called bob.

Bob is also a weight on a pendulum, plumb line, or kite-tail.

In poetry, the shot line used near or at the end of a stanza is called bob.

A shilling is informally called bob, and also a moderately large but unspecified amount of money.

In bell-ringing, bob is a change of order. The term is used in the names of the methods of change-ringing, such as plain bob.

Page last modified on Saturday September 18, 2021 11:56:22 GMT-0000