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Brahma, in Hinduism, is the first member of the Hindu trinity, the manifested creator of the universe. The other two members are Vishnu the preserver, and Mahesh the destroyer.

He is one of the aspects of the Supreme God Brahm, the formless one from which all beings issue and into which they all merge. In other two aspects Vishnu preserves and Mahesh kills that he may make them alive again.

According to a version of the Hindu mythology, Brahma is said to have been born from a golden egg. The another version of the story tells us that he was born in a lotus flower issuing from Vishnu's navel. However, one thing is same in every mythological story that he created the earth and all things on it. As a creator he is known as Prajapati. We, all human beings, are his praja (lit. the subject), and in this sense he is the raja (lit. the lord). He also created ten prajapatis and completed the creation.

Brahma's vehicle is swan. He had five heads, one of which was cut off by Shiva with his left hand. The four heads he is left with represents the four Vedas - the Rik, the Sam, the Yaju, and the Atharva.

Page last modified on Wednesday March 6, 2019 06:28:24 GMT-0000