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!CAEDMON CAEDMON was an English poet of the 7th century, the fragment of a hymn by whom, preserved by Bede, is the oldest specimen extant of English poetry. He wrote a poem on the beginning of things at the call of a voice from heaven, saying as he slept, "Cædmon, come sing me some song", and thereupon he began to sing, as Stopford Brooke reports, the story of Genesis and Exodus, many other tales in the sacred Scriptures, and the story of Christ and the Apostles, and of heaven and hell to come. According to ((St Bede)), Caedmon was born in between 660 to 680 A.D. However, in the History of English Literature written by E. Albert, he was said to be born between 658 and 680. He was a cowherd employed by monastery at Whitby, now Yorkshire. He was sensitive and shy poet of Celtic or Old English. He sang many biblical events. “the Hymn composed by Caedmon that is marvelous work and it has nine lines. Whatever Cadman wrote had supreme qualities. He wrote the genesis, exodus, Daniel and other shorter poems. These works were important and of unequal merit. There is much suspense about Caedman’s life. It was believed that he was a Celtic. Bede said about Cadman that he was old and poor. At that time it was a tradition among the people to sing and dance in group whenever a feast was held. It was a custom and it did not matter if they were poor or rich. All were required to sing. In one of such occasions when Caedmon’s turn came he could not sing a song because he did not know how to. He was very ashamed of not knowing songs. One night when Caedmon was asleep along with his pet animals, some people went there and stood by him. Bede told about this interesting incident thus in the following lines – “One stood by him, and saluting him, said, ‘caedmon, sing me something.’ And he answered, ‘I know not how to sing’. and for this reason I left the feast’ then the other said, nevertheless, you will have to sing to me’. What shall I sing? Caedmon replied. ‘Sing’, said the other, the beginning of things created;” Then, Caedmon sang for these people and he found himself able to sing. Northumbrian scholars honored him for his abilities. He sang again for the people. He was known as a great poet of a small town. We do not know much about Caedmon, but according to Bede he was a “heathen”. He had god-gifted merits. His influence was also seen in another important writer named ((Cynewulf)).

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