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Christabel Pankhurst

Christabel Pankhurst (1880-1958) was an English suffragist. She was daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst. She founded militant Women's Social and Political union in association with her mother. She was arrested several times and also faced conspiracy charges in 1912. However, she escaped and went to Paris. In later days around 1920, she became religious lecturer and writer.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Be ready when the hour comes, to show that women are human and have the pride and dignity of human beings. Through such resistance our cause will triumph. But even if it does not, we fight not only for success, but in order that some inward feeling may have satisfaction. We fight that our pride, our self-respect, our dignity may not be sacrificed in the future as they have been in the past.
  • We are suffering today from a greed for knowledge of evil.
- speech, 1930, quoted in David Mitchell, The Fighting Pankhursts
  • Never lose your temper with the press or the public is a major rule of political life.
- Unshackled Woman

Alfred Noyes

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