Cyprus is a country in West Asia. Nicosia is its capital city. Population of this country in 2003 was 802,000 with a
population density ie number of inhabitants (per square km) 87. Surface area of this country is 9,251 sq kms and its currency is pound.
The Republic of Cyprus lies in the North Eastern corner of the East Mediterranean basin at the meeting point of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa. The healthy climate and the natural beauty of this island make it an ideal place for the tourists.
It is a fertile, mountainous island in the Levant, geographically connected with Asia, and the third largest in the Mediterranean, being 140 m. long and 60 m. broad.
It yields cereals, wines, cotton, &c. It has a large transit trade.
!History of Cyprus
In the History of civilization, Cyprus appeared for the first time in the 7th millennium BC.
The government ceded to Great Britain in 1878 by the Sultan, on condition of an annual tribute. It became a British colony under a colonial governor or High Commissioner and was of considerable strategic importance to Britain.
It became independent in 1960. It was invaded by Turkey who forcefully occupied 40 per cent of its territory.
The Turkish controlled areas of northern Cyprus unilaterally declared independence in 1983 and named itself 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus'.
This republic is yet to be internationally recognised despite trade relations with some countries.