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Dadhichi was a mythological saint or Rishi of India. The sage had been performing severe penances which made Indra jealous and apprehensive. Indra, with an intention to divert the sage from performing penances, sent an Apsara named Alambush. When Dadhichi saw her, his seeds fell into the river Saraswati, who after some time gave birth to a son who was known by the name Saraswat. Dadhichi is known for his great yogic powers. When Shiv was not invited by his father-in-law Daksha in his yagya, Dadhichi knew the result and had warned him not to do so.

According to an Indian mythological story, when Indra and the other gods were hard pressed by the demon Vritra, they approached Lord Vishnu and sought His protection. God Vishnu told them that there was a great saint named Dadhichi practicing penance in the Naimish forest, and that if he would let them have his bones they could be made into weapon, before which no enemy could stand.

Dadhichi, as soon as he heard what they wanted, gave up his ghost and out of his bones Vishvakarma, the artisan of the gods, made a thunderbolt with which Indra easily dispatched Vritra.

According to another version of the story the gods went to Brahma for help who revealed the secret that a weapon can be made out of the bones of Dadhichi, and Brahma made Vajra (the thunderbolt) out of his bones by which Indra killed Vritra.

Page last modified on Thursday June 6, 2019 11:10:48 GMT-0000