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Daksh was one of the Prajapatis in Hindu mythology. They were mind-born son of Brahma the god of creation. Daksh was born from his right thumb. Brahma asked him to assist in the work of creation and begot sons. Following the orders of his father, Daksh begot on his wife Asikni five thousand sons who were later came to be known as Haryashvas. A thousand sons begotten thereafter were came to be known as Shabalashvas. However, they refused to people the earth and followed the advice of the sage Narad.

Daksh and Asikni then begot many daughters. Twenty-seven of them became wife of Som the moon-god. They came to known as Nakshatras (lunar asterisms). Their another thirteen daughters married the sage Kashyap, later becoming mothers of gods, demons, men, animals, birds, and fishes etc. Ten of their daughters married Dharm. Svaha, one of their daughters, married to Agni the fire-god. His daughter Sati was married to Bhava who was a form of Shiva. Other daughters were married to Rishis or sages.

Daksh once performed a yagya in which he omitted to invite his son-in-law Shiva and his daughter Sati. The sage knew the result of such an act by his yogic power and warned him. However, his warning was ignored. Sati went there uninvited and was deeply hurt by his father's neglect. She jumped into the fire of the yagya and died.

Hearing the news of the death of his wife, Shiva became furious. He assumed the terrible form of Virbhadra and went to the place where yagya was being performed with Bhadrakali and several other demigods. They routed the priest, destroyed the sacrifice, broke Pusha's teeth, tore out Bhag's eyes, and beheaded Daksh. However, he later restored Daksh to life by replacing his head with that of a goat.

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