Dambhodbhav was a mythological sovereign king of the whole world as per a story related in the Mahabharata as an antidote to pride. He was very powerful but very proud. He used to ask Brahmins everyday in his court if there was anyone superior to him. Brahmins advised him to keep his pride in check, but of no avail. Once, being asked the same question, some of the sages present in the court said that there were two very powerful Rishis, named Nar and Narayan, who were performing severe penance. Dambhodbhav immediately rushed to their abode with a very large army. Seeing them very lean and thin, starving with hunger and thirst, he did not believe in their power. However, he challenged them to fight with him. The sages refused to fight. It did not deter the king who kept insisting on fighting. On such insistence, Nar took up a blade of grass lying beside him and using it as a weapon destroyed Dambhodbhav's whole army. The king then fell on his feet and begged for forgiveness. After this humiliation, the king returned to his capital city and ruled with great righteousness.