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!Dhemaji District Dhemaji is a district in the state of Assam in India. The district is situated between the 94°12' 18'' E and 95° 41' 32'' E longitudes and 27° 05' 27'' N and 27° 57' 16'' N latitudes. It covers an area of 3237 sq km and is a basically plain area lying at an altitude of 104 m above the mean sea level. The boundaries of the district are the hilly ranges of Arunachal Pradesh to the North and the East, Lakhimpur district in the West and the river Brahmaputra in the South. The district headquarters is at Dhemaji. It became a full fledged district on 14th October 1989 when it was split from Lakhimpur district. Population of the district as per census 2011 was 686133. In 1971 Dhemaji was declared as a Sub-Division, Including Jonai and Dhakuakhana (Presently under Lakhimpur District. In 1989 Dhemaji was declared as an independent district covering Jonai and Dhemaji (Sadar) Sub-Divisions. The name "Dhemaji" is believed to have been derived from a combination of two Assamese words "dhal" meaning flood and "dhemali" meaning play. The district is divided into 2 sub-divisions viz.,Dhemaji and Jonai, comprising of 5 blocks (Dhemaji, Sissiborgaon, Morkongselek, Bordoloni and Machkhowa) and 1150 revenue villages.

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