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Dorothy L Sayers

Dorothy L Sayers (1893 - 1957), full name Dorothy Leigh Sayers, was an English crime writer and poet. She is best known for her mysteries, a series of novels and short stories set between the First and Second World Wars.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • As I grow older and older
And totter towards the tomb,
I find I care less and less
Who goes to bed with whom.
- That's Why I Never Read Modern Novels
  • There is perhaps only one human being in a thousand who is passionately interested in his job for the job's sake. The difference is that if that one person in a thousand is a man, we say, simply, that he is passionately keen on his job; if she is a woman, we say she is a freak.
- Are Women Human?
  • What is the use of acquiring one's heart's desire if one cannot handle and gloat over it, show it to one's friends, and gather an anthology of envy and admiration?

Dorothy Parker

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