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Elisa or Elissa, also Dido in Greek legend, was queen of the Phoenician city-state of Carthage and the legendary founder of it in 814 BC. She was daughter of the Tyrian king Mutto (or Belus), and wife of Sychaeus (or Acerbas). As per the tradition, after her husband was slain by her brother Pygmalion, she fled to the coast of Africa and founded Carthage. She had bought this land from Iarbas, who sought her hand, but she constructed a funeral pyre on which she stabbed herself before the people.

In Vergil's Aeneid, she was in love with Aeneas, and she committed suicide because he had abandoned her at the command of Jupiter. She cursed Trojans when dying, which was the mythical origin for the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage.

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