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Ethan Allen

Ethan Allen (1738-1789) was one of the early champions of American independence who fought the British in the American Revolution. He led the Green Mountain Boys that was fighting for independence for the state of Vermont.

Colonel Ethan Allen was captured in an attack upon Montreal, Canada, on September 25, 1775. He was sent as prisoner to Great Britain, ostensibly for trial, but in a few months was sent back to America, and confined in prison ships and jails at Halifax and New York till May 3, 1778, when he was exchanged. During most of his captivity he was treated as a felon and kept heavily ironed, but during 1777 was allowed restricted liberty on parole. After his exchange he again offered his services to the patriot army, but because of trouble in Vermont was put in command of the militia in that State. The British authorities were at that time making especial efforts to secure the allegiance of the Vermonters, and it was owing to Allen's skillful negotiations that the question was kept open until the theater of war was changed, thus keeping the colony on the American side, but avoiding the attacks from the British that would certainly have followed an open avowal of their political preferences.

Allen died at Burlington, Vt., February 13, 1789, two years before Vermont achieved statehood. He wrote a defence of deism and rational belief.

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