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Finland is a country, Region - Northern Europe, Capital - Helsinki, Population in 2003 - 5,207,000, Population density - 15 per sq km, Surface area - 338,145 sq km, and Currency - euro.

The Finns came under the dominion of the Swedes in the 12th and 13th centuries, and were by them Christianised. Finland was part of Sweden until 1809 when it became the Grand Duchy of Finland, an autonomous duchy within the Russian Empire, until the Russian Revolution. It was declared independent in 1917.

The coast-line is deeply indented, and fringed with small islands; the interior, chiefly elevated plateau, consists largely of
forest land, and is well furnished with lakes, many of which are united by canals, one 36 m. connecting Lake Saima with the Gulf of Finland. Various cereals (barley, oats, &c.) are grown, and there is a varied and valuable fauna; fishing is an extensive industry, and no less than 80 kinds of fish are found in the rivers, lakes, and coast waters. The country is divided into counties; education is highly advanced; Swedish and Finnish are the two languages of the country, Russian being practically unknown. There is an excellent Saga literature, and the beginnings of a modern literature.

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