Frequently Asked Questions
How to use this website?
One should use this website not for promoting oneself but for spreading knowledge as public service. If anyone, for the reasons whatsoever, wants simply links to be published in this website, it is not proper place to do so. Please don't spam this website.How to register as user?
Move your cursor on Log in button. A small window will open for log in. There will be a link 'Register'. Click on the link and follow instruction.How to create and edit a wiki page?
One can create and edit a page on this site in various ways:1. Quick edit a wiki page box in the left column can be used by writing the word or group of words for which one wants to create or edit a page, and then clicking the button Create/edit. After that a form will open to write or edit.
2. Wherever ? mark is indicated, one can click the question mark to create a page.
3. If there is already a page, one can click 'Edit this page' button.
4. One can create a link by putting word/words within double small brackets before and after the word/words. This will create a ? mark on the page after it is saved. Then follow the instruction no. 2.
How to submit articles?
To be able to submit an article on any section of this site, one needs to register oneself as user. Logged in users will find in the menu item 'article' a link 'submit article'. Click submit article. A form will open in which one can write and then submit for publication by clicking the button to found on the bottom of that page.Nearby pages
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