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Galen (129 - c. 216), or Claudius Galenus, was a famous Greek physician, born at Pergamus, in Illyria, where, after studying in various cities, he settled in 158. Subsequently he went to Rome, and eventually became physician to the emperors M. Aurelius, L. Verus, and Severus. Of his voluminous writings 83 treatises are still extant, and these treat on a varied array of subjects, philosophical as well as professional. For centuries after his death his works were accepted as authoritative in the matter of medicine. His work is considered to be the apex of Greek medicines. Greek medicine was transmitted to the Renaissance scholars as Galenism.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • The chief merit of language is clarity, and we know that nothing detracts so much from this as do unfamiliar terms.
- On the Natural Faculties

Clement of Alexandria

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