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Jonha is located some 40 kilometres away from Ranchi in Jharkhand state of India. This place is in Angara block of Ranchi district. Jonha is famous for a waterfall which is known as Jonha Falls. These falls are also known as Gautam Dhara Falls after Gautam Buddha. The streams of the river here are called Gautam Dhara and therefore the falls are called Gautam Dhara Falls. There is also a hospice (Tourist Rest House) which accommodates Lord Gautam Buddha's temple. The fall can be admired by descending around 500 steps. The height of the fall is about 140 feet. It is approachable by road. The tourists can go upto Gautam dhara station also by train. It is a popular picnic spot. The scenery around it is very picturesque. One should not forget to visit local haat at Jonha on every Tuesday and Saturday.

Page last modified on Tuesday November 6, 2007 04:08:17 GMT-0000