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George Monk

George Monk, Duke of Albemarle (1608-1670) was and English general and admiral and a Devonshire man, who spent his youth in the Dutch wars, and returned to England just in time to side with Charles I against the Parliament. After leading a regiment in Ireland, he was captured at Nantwich in 1644, and spent two years in the Tower. By obtaining his release by changing sides, he won commendation from Cromwell at Dunbar in 1650, and was entrusted with the command of operations in Scotland afterwards. In 1653 he beat Van Tromp at sea, twice. From 1654 till 1660 he was Governor of Scotland. On the death of Cromwell he saw the confusion, marched with 6000 troops to London, and after cautious negotiations, brought Charles II to England and set him on the throne, receiving a peerage and many honours for reward. He behaved well as Governor of London in the plague year, and was again admiral in the Dutch wars of 1666.

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