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Geronimo (1829-1909), also Gokhlayeh Geronimo, was an Chiricahua Apache chief, born in Arizona. He led his people against whites in the Apache Wars of 1880s, but eventually captured by General George Cook. He escaped, but surrendered. He retired to farming in Oklahoma and dictated his autobiography - Geronimo, His Own Story in 1906.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Brothers, I am glad to see so many of you and see you playing the old games. I shall not keep you long, but you have asked for my advice. Our way of life is gone. Your children must travel the white man's roads.
  • Once I moved about like the wind. Now I surrender to you, and that is all.
- to General George Crook (1886)
  • How long will it be until it is said there are no Apaches?
- Geronimo: His Own Story

John Mercer Langston

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