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Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno(1548-1600), born Filippo Bruno, was a bold and fervid original Italian thinker, born at Nola, in Italy. He was a Dominican monk, quitted his monastery, in fact, was for heterodoxy obliged to flee from it. He attached himself to Calvin for a time, went for more freedom to Paris, attacked the scholastic philosophy, had to leave France as well. Then he spent two years in England in friendship with Sir Philip Sidney, propagated his views in Germany and Italy, and was ultimately arrested by the Inquisition, and after seven years spent in prison was burned as a heretic. He was a pantheist, and regarded God as the living omnipresent soul of the universe, and Nature as the living garment of God, as the Earth-Spirit does in Goethe's "Faust" — a definition of Nature in relation to God which finds favour in the pages of "Sartor Resartus".

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