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Harappa is a place now in Pakistan. Excavations since 1921 at various site show a distinct culture which is called Harappan Culture named after the place first excavated.

Monenjo Daro (Mount of Death)is another places where the excavations carried out. This place is also in Pakistan's Sindh province.

This oldest civilisation of the world is also known as Indus Valley Civilization - the period being 3250 BC to 2750 BC.

Over 1500 sites have been excavated since 1921. Important among the sites are Harappa (Punjab in Pakistan), Lothal (Gujarat), Ropar (Punjab), Kalibangan (Rajasthan), Banwali (Haryana) and Chanlu Daro (Pakistan).

Great Bath was found at Mohenjo Daro on River Indus.
Granerry was found at Harappa on River Ravi.
Lothal port shows their connection with world through sea route.
They have advanced town planning with a unique drainage system.
They have trade contacts with Sumeria and used a pictographic script which is not yet deciphered.
They had a pantheistic religion but no temples.

Page last modified on Wednesday November 24, 2010 10:31:53 GMT-0000