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Harold II

Harold II (c. 1022 – 1066), also Harold Godwinson, was the last of the Saxon kings of England, held the crown for a few months in 1066. He was the second son of the great Earl Godwin. In 1053, he succeeded his father in the earldom of the West Saxons, and during the later years of Edward's feeble rule, he was virtual administrator of the kingdom. On his accession to the throne his title was immediately challenged by his brother Tostig, and William, Duke of Normandy. Having crushed his brother's invasion at Stamford Bridge, he immediately hurried South to meet the forces of William at Hastings. Norman strategy won the day, and Harold fell in the battle pierced through the eye by an arrow. Historians unite in ascribing to him every kingly quality - a noble presence, sagacity, and a brave yet gentle nature.

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