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Heinrich Heine

Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) was a German lyric poet, born at Düsseldorf, of Jewish parents. He was bred to law, but devoted himself to literature, and mingled with literary people, and associated in particular with the Varnhagen von Ense circle. He first became notable by the publication of his "Reisebilder" and his "Buch der Lieder," the appearance of which created a wide-spread enthusiasm in Germany. In 1825, he abandoned the Jewish faith and professed the Christian, but the creed he adopted was that of a sceptic, and he indulged in a cynicism that outraged all propriety, and even common decency. In 1830, he quitted Germany and settled in Paris, and there a few years afterwards married a rich lady, who alleviated the sufferings of his last years. An attack of paralysis in 1847 left him only one eye, and in the following year he lost the other, but under these privations and much bodily pain he bore up with a singular fortitude, and continued his literary labours to the last. In his songs he was at his best, and by these alone it is believed he will be chiefly remembered.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Wherever they burn books, they will also, in the end, burn people.
- Almansor
  • God will forgive me, it is his business.
- last words, attributed in many sources, including the Goncourt Journals

Alfred de Vigny

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