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Homkund is in Uttarakhand state of India. In ancient days this place was a place for Yagya for sages and other people. It is due to this reason this place became famous as Homkund. Homkund lake is located at about a height of 4061 metres. A special religious ritual is performed here at every 12 years. According to the tradition, Nanda Rajjat (pronounced raj - jat) is held aftere 12 years. It is said that Kunwar of Kansuwa come to Nauti and wish for a Chowsinga Khadu ( four horned Medha). Then it is born in his area. This Chowsinga Khadu is being kept with great love and care. On a particular date Kunwar comes along with his people to Nauti. He comes with that Chowsingh Khadu and an umbrella (Chhatauli) made of Riganl. The golden idol of Nandadevi is taken from Nandadevi Temple at Nauti. After performing certain rituals, all the people proceed for the journey to Homkund which is called Rajjat. The Chowsinga Khadu goes ahead of everyone. The journey takes 15 days. After performing ritals and Hom, this Chowsinga Khadu is set at large. It becomes free and goes ahead towards peaks and soon disappears.

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