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Innocent III

Innocent III (1161-1216) was the greatest of the name, and one of the most influential of Popes of the medieval era. He was born in Arragon. He succeeded Celestine III. He extended the territorial power of the Church, and made nearly all Christendom subject to its sway. He essayed the recovery of Palestine, and promoted a crusade against the Albigenses. He excommunicated Otto IV, emperor of Germany, put England under an interdict, and deposed King John. He was zealous for the purity as well as supremacy of the Church, and countenanced every movement that contributed to enhance its influence and stereotype its beliefs as well as its forms of worship, transubstantiation among the one and auricular confession among the other. Though harsh, and even cruel, to those whom he conceived to be the enemies of the faith, he was personally a man of blameless life, and did much to reform the morals of the clergy.

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