Janab Zainab was grand daughter of Prophet Mohammed who lived in 7th century.
She is considered to be the first woman Journalist in the history of journalism.
Janab-e-Zainab was none but the grand daughter of Prophet Mohammad and sister of Imam Husain, the martyr of Karbala, now in modern Iraq.
In the 7th century AD Yazeed the tyrant ruler of Arabia also declared himself the rightful heir of Prophet Mohammad's Islamic rule. Yazeed was a dictator. He forced even Imam Husain to accept him as the Caliph of Islam to get sanction to his illegitimate rule. Imam Husain refused to accept him Caliph. When Yazeed persisted, Imam Husain left Medina and reached Karbala along with his family members and 72 followers including six months child. He was surrounded at Karbala by Yazeed's forces and was compelled to recognize him as caliph of Islam. Imam Husain refused. Now Imam Husain along with his family members and 72 followers were killed at Karbala.
Once Imam Husain was killed, Yazeed's propagandists declared that a rebel had mutined against Caliph Yazeed so he was killed and the rebellion was nipped in the bud.
No one would have realized that the prophet's grandson was killed while opposing a tyrant, who wanted to undo reformation done by Prophet Mohammed, but for Janab - e - Jainab, who took up the task of conveying the message of Husain to the people along with the real story as to what really had happened.
She used every opportunity to take to public oratory, which was unheard off from a woman at that time.
When the caravan of martyred Husain was taken to Yazeed's court, Zainab stood up to tell the people the truth. Wherever people gathered to see the 'rebels', she would stood up and start speaking reveling the truth who was Husain. She would tell them that they were the kins of Prophet and Yazeed was a tyrant.
When she was taken to Yazeed's court, there too Zainab reveled the truth about Imam Husain's massacre. Her oratory brought about a revolt in the court. Yazeed was soon forced to release all the arrested kins of Imam Husain.
That's how the story of a tyrant was told to a woman (Zainab), who acted as a journalist and exposed a conspiracy of the ruler of her times.